Technician standing next to equipment in van

Do You Have the Low Water Pressure Blues?

April 2nd, 2014

Low water pressure can make even the simplest tasks difficult and inefficient, from taking a shower to washing the dishes to using your sprinkler system this summer. There are a number of causes that can lead to this frustrating problem. Sometimes it’s caused by something as straightforward as running two plumbing fixtures at the same time, other times it may be an indication of a more serious problem.

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Can’t Get Your Tub or Shower Clean? Try These 4 Homemade Cleaners

November 22nd, 2013

Bathtubs and showers can turn into gross eyesores when not regularly cleaned. And it seems once they get bad, they’re almost impossible to get back to their original condition. You may have tried any number of store-bought cleaners already, but sometimes the best cleaners are things found in your home and pantry. We’ve scoured the internet and put together this list of the 4 homemade, earth-friendly cleaners we’ve seen recommended by homeowners over and over again.

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Quick Tips for Finding a Good Plumber in the Atlanta Area

August 28th, 2013

Whether you’ve got a slowly leaking sink, or a serious pipe leak, you want a good plumber in the Atlanta area. So how do you find a quality plumber that will do the job right, while not taking you for a ride on price? Here are some quick tips you can follow:

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3 of the Most Costly DIY Plumbing Mistakes We See in Atlanta Homes

July 22nd, 2013

In the internet age where you can get a quick tutorial on just about anything online, it seems many homeowners are turning to DIY plumbing to save a few bucks. The problem is that much of the DIY plumbing we see in the Atlanta area is not up to code. This can result in violations and fees from the local building department as well as some pretty substantial and costly damage to your home.

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3 Simple Spring Cleaning Jobs That Will Both Save Money and Increase Home Comfort

April 26th, 2013

Who in the world actually enjoys spring cleaning? It’s bothersome, and you normally feel like you have something better you could be doing. But what if you knew that the cleaning you were doing was not only saving you money, but also increasing the comfort of your home?

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How to Buy an Energy Efficient Dishwasher That Won’t Wash Away Your Savings

November 26th, 2012

Every year you keep your old, inefficient dishwasher, you are also washing away your hard-earned money. Older dishwashers aren’t nearly as energy efficient as some of the newer ones and can drive up your utility bill by using excessive amounts of hot water. Upgrading to a newer, energy efficient dishwasher is just one of many ways you can make your home as energy efficient as possible.

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5 Food Items You Should Never Put Down Your Garbage Disposal

September 12th, 2012

The garbage disposal has become an integral part of every Atlanta area's kitchen. You probably scrape your plates into the sink without even a second thought. But if you aren’t careful, this could lead to garbage disposal problems in the future. So before you flush your uneaten scraps through your kitchen disposal, take a look at this list and make sure to avoid these objects.

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How To Get the Bathroom of Your Dreams on a Budget

August 22nd, 2012

According to Consumer Reports, bathroom remodeling continues to be one of the most popular home remodeling projects. And we have certainly seen this trend in Atlanta. But one of the most common concerns with a bathroom remodeling project is cost. Using these tips, you can get the bathroom of your dreams without breaking the bank.

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Want To Save $1400 a Year? Drink Tap Water

May 29th, 2012

Every year, over 20 billion bottles of water are bought and sold in the United States. If you buy bottled water, it may be because you believe you are doing the healthy thing in trusting bottled water instead of their tap. But the bottled habit could be making a significant dent in your wallet.

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7 Important Questions for Your Next Plumber

January 22nd, 2012

Selecting a trusted plumbing company can seem like a daunting task when considering all the options out there. A plumber will spend time in your home, so it is important to find one that handles themselves professionally. Here are seven questions you should ask when interviewing your next plumber.

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